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जिम के बिना फिट हो||TOP 6 FREE WEIGHT EXERCISES||


here are these exercises which make you fit and fine without going gym . means these exercise you can do any where (house,park,gym)any where you can .

Some of the most effective exercises can be done without equipment and simply use your own body weight.ump squats have a variety of health benefits. For a start, they help build and tone the calves, glutes, hamstrings, core, and quadriceps. They have other benefits as well

Here we list some important ones:
1. Builds Muscle.
2. Burns More Fat.
3. Maintain Mobility And Balance.
4. Prevent Injuries.
5. Boost Your Sports Performance – Jump Higher And Run Faster
6. Tone Your Backside, Abs And Entire Body.

Lunges are One of the BEST Exercises

The lunge exercise is one of the very best exercises for your legs and butt.  You can perform this versatile exercise just about anywhere, and you can do so with or without weights.Lunges are multi-joint movements which strengthen the muscles or your lower body while improving your stabilization and balance. Lunges are very safe and effective for almost everybody and require little or no equipment to get a great workout.

The push-up is actually an ideal movement for beginners.And truth is, there are plenty of ways to modify the movement to your skill level. You’re much better off completing a few sets of modified push-ups with proper technique than struggling through regular push-ups with incorrect form. By placing your hands on a wall or bench or bringing your knees to the floor, you’ll reduce the amount of bodyweight you’re pushing, making the movement the right amount of challenging. Everyone has to start somewhere, and we’ve got just the moves to help you work your way up to the standard push-up. Our motto: Stronger every day.

1. Push-Up in Table Top
2. Push-Up on Knees
3. Incline Push-Up
Standard Push-Up.

Everyone loves a strong, muscular and flexible upper body. Even if you happen to love squats or even have a 6-pack, the fact is that a well-developed chest, arms, and shoulders are a must for that complete look

a very old and traditional Indian exercise has gained popularity in the global strength and fitness community. That exercise is the Hindu Push Up and it has travelled from the local Desi-style gymnasiums to the far corners of the world. People everywhere are reaping the benefits of this wonderful exercise, and its time you did too.
Benefits of Hindu Push Ups

1.Build Muscle
2.Improved Stamina

Planking is a simple but effective body weight exercise. Holding the body (light as a feather) stiff as a board develops strength primarily in the core

the muscles that connect the upper and lower body—as well as the shoulders, arms, and glutes. This static exercise—meaning the body stays in one position for the entirety of the move—requires no equipment and can be performed just about anywhere.

How to do a side plank: Lie on your right side with your legs straight. Prop yourself up with your right forearm so your body forms a diagonal line

.Brace your abs and hold for 60 seconds. If you can't make it to 60 seconds, hold for 5 to 10 seconds and rest for 5; continue for 1 minute. Be sure your hips and knees stay off the floor.

thanks to DMSHOUSE.COM  for produce my video. 
here you can see my previous video


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