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जिम के बिना फिट हो||TOP 6 FREE WEIGHT EXERCISES||

TOP 6 FREE WEIGHT EXERCISES here are these exercises which make you fit and fine without going gym . means these exercise you can do any where (house,park,gym)any where you can . 👇 1.JUMP SQUATS Some of the most effective exercises can be done without equipment and simply use your own body weight.ump squats have a variety of health benefits. For a start, they help build and tone the calves, glutes, hamstrings, core, and quadriceps. They have other benefits as well Here we list some important ones: 1. Builds Muscle. 2. Burns More Fat. 3. Maintain Mobility And Balance. 4. Prevent Injuries. 5. Boost Your Sports Performance – Jump Higher And Run Faster 6. Tone Your Backside, Abs And Entire Body. 2.MULTIPLE LUNGES Lunges are One of the BEST Exercises The lunge exercise is one of the very best exercises for your legs and butt.  You can perform this versatile exercise just about anywhere, and you can do so with or without weights.Lunges...
8 Reasons Women Should Strength Train  Every woman should strength train. Young women;  women 40 and older ; women who just want to look better; women who want to improve their performance in a sport or hobby;  busy women ; women who want a higher quality of life. Strength training is for every single woman. Strength training with the goal of  getting stronger  – with mostly compound exercises that allow for increased loading over time like squats, deadlifts, rows, and presses – is one of the greatest activities women can do for their body, and life. 1. Boost Confidence and “See What You’re Made of” This is perhaps one of the best benefits to getting stronger, and one you need to experience for yourself. Most women who’ve never strength trained are unaware of their dormant strength and physical potential just waiting to be unleashed (thanks in part to things like “girl push-ups” and other unnecessary modifications for women). But once they ...