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This exercise is very  effective for  biceps or you can say shape of biceps .
because  hold is kind of exercise which create continuous tension continuous pain 
which activate slow twitch muscle fibers . which is good for body definition because 
Slow twitch muscle fibers are good for endurance .  

this exercise increase your strength 


When you take a hold exercise it gives you a more tension in your target muscles and pain also which activate you slow twitch muscles fiber . which is good for body definition and body shape 

This exercise  also grow your muscles . due to this exercise. the flowing of blood in your muscle is more due to the continuity of tension and pain . and blood carry all the supplement and nutrition you take in your whole day .

the correct form is when your chest is up , back straight and your elbow is fix .there is no movement of elbow 
and one thing you should know is dont bend your back because it causes back pain and back injury 

if you are a beginner you should take 15-30 second hold with out any weight means only barbell hold 
or if you are intermediate or advance  level then you can take 1 - 1/2 min and weight is according to your strength.


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